How to Use the FILTER Function in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Filtering through endless rows of data in Excel can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Enter the FILTER function—a dynamic tool designed to make your data management a breeze.

Whether you’re dealing with sales figures, project timelines, or any large dataset, mastering the FILTER function can save you time and effort.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the essentials of how to use the FILTER function, from understanding its basics to applying it in real-world scenarios. Get ready to unlock a new level of efficiency.

Understanding the FILTER Function

The FILTER function in Excel is a game-changer for anyone looking to manage data efficiently. It’s part of the Dynamic Arrays functions, which means it’s available in Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel 2021, and Excel for the web.

Let’s break down what makes the FILTER function so useful.

What Does the FILTER Function Do?

At its core, the FILTER function helps you sift through large datasets to find specific information that meets your criteria.

Imagine you have a huge list of sales data, and you only want to see the sales from a particular region. The FILTER function can do this in a snap.

Syntax Breakdown

Here’s how the FILTER function is structured:

FILTER(array, include, [if_empty])

  • array: This is the range of cells that you want to filter. It’s like the big pool of data you’re diving into.
  • include: These are the criteria that decide what gets pulled from the array. Think of it as the rules for what you’re looking for – it could be sales figures over a certain amount, dates within a range, or specific text entries.
  • if_empty: This is optional. It’s the value you want to return if no data meets your criteria. For instance, if you’re looking for sales above $10,000 but there aren’t any, you can choose to display “No Results” instead of just leaving the cell blank.

How Does It Work?

When you use the FILTER function, it dynamically filters the data and displays the results in a new range of cells.

The best part? These results are live.

If the original data changes, the filtered results update automatically. This dynamic aspect saves a ton of time and effort, especially with constantly changing data.

How to Use the FILTER Function

Using the FILTER function in Excel is straightforward. Follow these steps to filter your data effectively and get the most out of this powerful tool.

1. Prepare Your Data

Make sure your data is organized in a table or a range with clear headers. This helps Excel understand what you’re trying to filter and keeps your data structured.

2. Select a Cell

Click on an empty cell where you want the filtered results to appear. This is where Excel will display the data that meets your criteria.

3. Enter the Formula

Type `=FILTER(` to start the function. This tells Excel you’re about to use the FILTER function.

4. Specify the Array

Select the range of data you want to filter. Include the headers to keep everything in context. For example, if your data is in cells A1 to B10, your formula will look like this:


5. Define the Include Condition

After the comma, enter your criteria for filtering. This should be a logical test that results in TRUE/FALSE values. For instance, if you want to filter sales greater than $5,000, you’d add:

=FILTER(A1:B10, B2:B10 > 5000,

6. Add an if_empty Argument (Optional)

Optionally, specify what should be displayed if no data meets your criteria. If you want to show “No results” when no entries match, your formula will look like this:

=FILTER(A1:B10, B2:B10 > 5000, "No results")

7. Close the Parentheses and Press Enter

Finish your formula by closing the parentheses and pressing Enter. Excel will display the filtered data in the cell you selected in step 2.

Practical Examples of Using the FILTER Functions

Now that you understand the basics of the FILTER function and how to use it, let’s dive into some practical examples. These examples will show you how to apply the FILTER function to real-world scenarios, making it easier to see its value and versatility in action.

1. Single Criterion Filtering

Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose you have a sales dataset with three columns: Date, Product, and Revenue.

You want to filter this data to show only the sales for a specific product, like “Laptop”. Here’s how you can do it using the FILTER function.

Let’s say your data is in cells A2 to C17. To filter for all sales of “Laptop”, you would use the following formula:

=FILTER(A2:C17, B2:B17="Laptop", "No matching products")

This formula does the following:

  • A2:C17: Specifies the range of your data.
  • B2:B17=”Laptop”: Sets the criteria for filtering. It looks in column B (Product) for entries that match “Laptop”.
  • “No matching products”: Displays this message if no rows meet the criteria.

By using this formula, Excel will return all rows where the product is “Laptop”.

2. Numerical Range Filtering

Next, let’s look at how to filter data based on a numerical range.

Suppose you want to see all sales transactions where the revenue is over $1,000. This is useful for quickly identifying high-value transactions.

Assuming your data is in cells A2 to C17, you can use the following formula:

=FILTER(A2:C17, C2:C17>1000, "No sales over $1000")

Here’s what this formula does:

  • A2:C17: Specifies the range of your data.
  • C2:C17>1000: Sets the criteria for filtering. It checks column C (Revenue) for values greater than 1000.
  • No sales over $1000“: Displays this message if no rows meet the criteria.

By using this formula, Excel will display all rows where the revenue is greater than $1,000.

3. Date-Based Filtering

Filtering data based on dates is another powerful way to use the FILTER function.

Suppose you want to see all sales transactions that occurred in a specific month, like July. This can help you analyze monthly performance and trends.

If your data is in cells A2 to C17, you can filter for sales in July using the following formula:

=FILTER(A2:C17, MONTH(A2:A17)=7, "No sales in July")

Here’s what this formula does:

  • A2:C17: Specifies the range of your data.
  • MONTH(A2:A17)=7: Sets the criteria for filtering. It checks column A (Date) for entries where the month is July (7).
  • No sales in July“: Displays this message if no rows meet the criteria.

By using this formula, Excel will show all rows where the sales occurred in July.

4. Multiple Criteria (AND Logic)

Filtering data using multiple criteria with AND logic allows you to be very specific about the data you want to see.

For instance, you might want to filter for sales of a specific product, like “Laptop”, that also have a revenue of over $1,000. This combination ensures you only see high-value sales for that product.

If your data is in cells A2 to C17, you can filter for sales of “Laptop” with revenue over $1,000 using this formula:

=FILTER(A2:C17, (B2:B17="Laptop")*(C2:C17>1000), "No matching results")

Here’s what this formula does:

  • A2:C17: Specifies the range of your data.
  • (B2:B17=”Laptop”)\*(C2:C17>1000): Sets the criteria for filtering. It checks both that the product in column B is “Laptop” and that the revenue in column C is greater than 1000. The multiplication sign (*) works as an AND operator here.
  • No matching results“: Displays this message if no rows meet the criteria.

By using this formula, Excel will display only the rows where the product is “Laptop” and the revenue is greater than $1,000.

5. Multiple Criteria (OR Logic)

Filtering data with multiple criteria using OR logic allows you to broaden your search to include different sets of data that meet any of the specified conditions.

For example, you might want to see sales for either “Laptop” or “Phone”. This method ensures you capture all relevant sales for these products.

If your data is in cells A2 to C17, you can filter for sales of either “Laptop” or “Phone” using the following formula:

=FILTER(A2:C17, (B2:B17="Laptop")+(B2:B17="Phone"), "No matching products")

Here’s how this formula works:

  • A2:C17: Specifies the range of your data.
  • (B2:B17=”Laptop”)+(B2:B17=”Phone”): Sets the criteria for filtering. It checks if the product in column B is either “Laptop” or “Phone”. The plus sign (+) acts as an OR operator here.
  • No matching products“: Displays this message if no rows meet the criteria.

By using this formula, Excel will display all rows where the product is either “Laptop” or “Phone”.

Troubleshooting: Common Issues and Their Solutions

Even though the FILTER function in Excel is incredibly powerful and easy to use, you might run into some issues while using it. Don’t worry—most problems have straightforward solutions.

In this section, we’ll cover some common issues you might encounter and provide practical solutions to help you resolve them quickly.

Issue #1: Blank Cells in Data Range

Issue: Blank cells within your data range can interfere with the FILTER function, leading to incomplete or incorrect results.

Solution: To address this, you have a couple of options:

1. Fill in the Blanks

Review your data and fill in any blank cells with appropriate values. This ensures that every cell in your data range contains meaningful information, which can help the FILTER function work correctly.

2. Use Data Validation

Prevent blank cells by using Excel’s Data Validation feature. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Select the range of cells where you want to apply data validation.
  2. Go to the Data tab on the ribbon.
  3. Click on Data Validation in the Data Tools group.
  4. In the Settings tab, choose Custom from the Allow drop-down menu.
  5. Enter a formula that prevents blank cells. For example, to ensure that cells in column B are not empty, use `=B1<>””`.
  6. Click OK to apply the validation.

Issue #2: Merged Cells

Issue: Merged cells can disrupt the operation of the FILTER function, causing errors or incomplete filtering results.

Solution: To resolve this issue, you should unmerge the cells. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open your Excel spreadsheet and go to the Home tab on the ribbon.
  • Click on the merged cells that are causing the issue. If there are multiple merged cells, you can select them all at once by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking each merged cell.
  • In the Alignment group, click on the Merge & Center drop-down arrow.
  • Select Unmerge Cells from the list.

Issue #3: Hidden Rows or Columns

Issue: Hidden rows or columns can produce unexpected results when using the FILTER function, as the function may include or exclude data unintentionally.

Solution: To avoid these issues, unhide all rows and columns before applying the filter. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Click the Select All button, located at the top-left corner of the worksheet, where the row and column headers meet. This will highlight the entire sheet.
  • Right-click on any row or column heading.
  • Select Unhide from the context menu.


The FILTER function in Excel is a versatile and powerful tool that can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities.

Whether you’re filtering data based on a single criterion, multiple criteria, numerical ranges, or specific dates, the FILTER function makes it easy to zero in on the information you need.

By understanding how to use this function and troubleshooting common issues like blank cells, merged cells, and hidden rows or columns, you can ensure your data is always accurate and well-organized.

Embrace the power of the FILTER function and streamline your workflow, making your data analysis tasks quicker and more efficient.

3 thoughts on “How to Use the FILTER Function in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide”

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